The Basics:

Born in: Akron, Ohio
Resides in: Columbus, Ohio

BA in Communication from Boston College

MA in Health Communication from The Ohio State University (studied how mass media and interpersonal communicaiton impact body image)


Health Coach Certification from the ICF Accredited Health Coach Institute

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Holistic MBA: Certified Master Level Transformational Coach

200 Hour, Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher, trained by Laurel Hodory

Cycle Instructor, Schwinn Indoor Cycling 

Obsessed With:
My dog, Maple
Craft beer
Taylor Swift
Leelanau County, Michigan
Pretzel anything
Ohio State Football
The Chicago Cubs
Boston College
Indoor and outdoor cycling
Local everything


A bit about Julie.

When I reflect on my life story, it feels like my whole being, my whole livelihood has lead me to this work.

I’m passionate about body image and intuitive eating coaching because of my own history, my own struggle in my body.

I spent more than a decade hating my body, actively trying to shrink her. I was completely distracted, dysmorphic and disordered with both eating and exercise. So much of my life was missed, because I was too busy hating my body (and myself).

As I embarked on my own healing journey, it became apparent to me that my struggle was not unique, that so many other women had the exact same struggle.

It’s what drove me to graduate school to study how mass media and interpersonal communication impact body image.

It’s what drove my to share my story on my blog that then became my instagram and became my podcast.

It’s what drove me to get my three different coaching certifications.

It’s why I’m here today. Because I know so many women struggle like I used to. And through body image and intuitive eating work, I am passionate about empowering as many women as possible to come home to their bodies and to their inherent worth. To heal their relationships with food, body, exercise and self. To take their lives back from a culture that has robbed us of so much.

Want to hear more details about my story? Check out episode two of my podcast, The Babesment, where I share in (much) more detail!

Interested in working together? There are so many options, and I’d love to chat with you via a free discovery session to see if I’m the right fit for you, and which program best suits your needs!