January 10, 2022: January WITHOUT Diet Culture

January today is so different than my past Diet Culture Januarys.
Diet Culture Januarys looked and felt like this:
- Looking in the mirror and seeing all the things I hated about my body, vowing to fix my body this year
- Plotting my next diet, strategizing how I could lose the most weight
- Executed said diet that I definitely disguised as "for my health" and likely used phrases like "clean eating challenge" - while in reality it was anything BUT healthy
- Spent my days entering foods into my fitness pal, stressing over when I could eat next, what I could eat, pushing through hunger
- Stressing over remaining disciplined when "bad" foods were placed in front of me
- Using the majority of my brain space and energy to stick to the "healthy eating 28-day fix"
- Hid from social outings that I knew would ruin my "clean eating plan"
- Obsessing over the Friday morning weigh-in at the end of the week, worrying if I did enough to see the scale go down
- Beating myself up with excessive exercise all in the name of burning. more. calories.
Diet Culture January TLDR: engaged in disordered eating disguised as health, majorly stressed, body checking overload, obsessed with all the ways I wasn't enough.
January today:
I *love* the feeling of fresh new energy, like everything is possible. I revel in the opportunity to set intentions for who I want to be, the ways I want to grow in my life, the desires I wish to manifest, and get excited about taking inspired action
- I spend time creating a vision for the year ahead that includes all aspects of life (health, career, relationships, spirituality, travel...)
- I create an intention that grounds me in what I want to focus on this year (a tradition that has served me well since 2016)
January Today TLDR: I feel abundant, inspired, joyful and invigorated.

Julie Ohlemacher